Nicola Suckle BSc., (Hons) Msc.
Nicky graduated with BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy in 2003 from Glasgow Caledonian University, UK. She then worked in a hospital for a year, focusing on orthopaedics, musculoskeletal injuries, rheumatology and care of the elderly, prior to setting up her own clinic in Glasgow where she specialised in sports injuries and occupational health physiotherapy. She is qualified in Pilates and enjoys using this exercise form for rehabilitation.
In 2009 Nicky qualified from The London Veterinary College with masters in Veterinary physiotherapy and has been working in the UK with top event horses and international dressage horses and their riders. She also treats cats and dogs. More can be found out on Nickys animal physiotherapy website:
Nicky is a keen cyclist and competitive horse rider and understands the necessity for injury prevention and quick remedial action in the event of injuries and minor niggles.
